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Breg Surgical Binder 8″ VP10110-030

Breg Surgical Binder 8″

Breg Aspen Vista 631 LSO LoPro

Breg Aspen Vista 631 LSO LoPro

Breg Aspen Vista 464 TLSO

  • Size: Universal
  • Type: Brace
Availability: In stock

The Vista 464 TLSO offers patients support within the thoracolumbar spine, providing a versatile system that accommodates appropriate motion restriction throughout the healing process. The three shoulder strap configurations and height adjustment technology accommodate all body styles for an effective and comfortable fit. With many opportunities for customization, the one-size adjustable Vista 464 TLSO can be stepped down to the other three Vista Lower Spine configurations and comfortably fits waist sizes ranging from 26-60 inches, and up to 70 inches with the extension panel.

  • Decompressive procedures – epidurals
  • Post-operative support
  • Kyphosis secondary to osteoporosis
  • Scoliosis with musculoskeletal pain
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Bulging or herniated disc
  • Fracture management
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Spondylosis
  • Severe DJD
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ApplicationDecompressive procedures, post-operative support, kyphosis secondary to osteoporosis, scoliosis with musculoskeletal pain, degenerative disc disease, bulging or herniated disc, fracture management, spondylolisthesis, spinal stenosis, spondylosis
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